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SKU: ORG-7184955


Mrs. Meyer's 12103 Dish Soap, 16 oz, Liquid, Citrus, White Mrs. Meyer's clean day lemon verbena dish soap is rich, thick and makes grease disappear like nobody's business. This concentrated, biodegradable liquid dish formula is designed for hand washing dishes and pots and pans. The formula contains plant-derived cleaning ingredients and rinses clean. All you need is a squirt or two and you're on your way. Free of phthalates, glycol solvents, chlorine, formaldehyde, artificial colors, parabens, animal derived ingredients, mea, dea

Additional Info

Width: 5.35
Height: 9.4
Length: 7.7
Weight: 1.19
Type: Concentrated
Color: White
Includes: Soap Bark Extract
Form: Liquid
Net Content: 16 oz
Odor/Scent: Citrus
Compositions: Sodium Sulfate, Sodium Carbonate, Sodium Silicate, Sodium Percarbonate Peroxyhydrate, Silicon Dioxide, Subtilisins (Proteolytic Enzymes)